
By Arachne

The Chosen One

Those of you who have followed the saga of the grafted apple trees over the last four years have my admiration, and I appreciated your comments on my quandary on Thursday.

Here is the tree that will henceforth stand in for yesterday's kind and helpful humans. It will probably always conjure up an image of those two!

My second choice is the first extra (with this one in the background). And the one which, to my surprise, most of you seemed to favour/pity (the ugly traumatised one) is my second extra, now relegated to my own personal reclamation yard.

Although this feels like a momentous end to an awful lot of work, the saga will continue. Assuming this tree survives, I will blip blossom, leaves, apples and growth. If it doesn't, you can be absolutely sure you will hear about it.

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