
By Mover

Ibiza in the Mud

We had a good day out today, parking at Darts Farm, and walking to Topsham and back. I am always intrigued by the abandoned houseboats  on the creek near the river Exe. Who lived here in this glorious isolation? What stories could these boats tell? There are signs of occupation, like the elaborate doors leading to the wooden pier for access - extra - and the sign saying Ibiza in the mud. I dare say I could find out a bit of history. We had lunch in ‘ the cafe’ in Topsham, simply named. It is an excellent place that also serves as a bookshop. Shelves everywhere. I was taken by  a book called ‘The English Sunrise ‘, an inspiration for something for blippers to look for - art deco depictions of sunrise rays on windows, and buildings, and gates, and all forms of design. I bought it. It got me into trouble but it will also keep me out of it.

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