...or lacebark. Hoheria sexstylosa.
It is a great tree, which enjoys the conditions here. I have planted a dozen or so around the property and every autumn I revel in their flowers when so many things are starting to close down for the year. The bees and other pollinators revel in them more than me. Even on a miserable day it is joyfully buzzing.
It has been mizzly all day. The rain started just as I was thinking about getting out of bed. It crossed my mind to stay there, snug and warm in my duvet. But 'somebody' was keen for breakfast, which necessitates the walk across the lawn to the truck. I always get dressed for that journey.
I do wonder if once the kitchen is in a new cabin right next to the bedroom cabin - and accessible via a covered deck, out of sight of the gate and neighbours - I will be more inclined to potter to and fro in my pjs and dressing gown? I have a couple of years to ponder in what ways my life will change with the new structure...
It is lovely to dream about that to distract me from the frustration of being rained off the weeding, grass control and wood-splitting.
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