Silly Saturday Mailbox
This box was spotted as we were out doing some garage-saleing and thrifting this morning. I have seen the mailbox many times before, but this is the first one I've seen with a hat.
I bought several things to paint on, and a couple of long sleeve 50 cent dress shirts that I plan to use as paint shirts.
We just finished watching the Michigan basketball team defeat Texas A & M in the NCAA tournament, getting them into the Sweet 16. Michigan State tomorrow night against New Mexico.
P.S. Photo credit to wife Lisa who leaned out her van window.
P.S.S. The never-ending key fob story finally has an ending. We got the fobs in the mail, and 3 of us (me, Mike, and Steve) tried to program them...without success. I tried again the next morning, again unable to set them up.
I finally called a locksmith who hooked up his 10,000 dollar (that's what he told me) computer, and in 5 two new key fobs were operational. How much? 75 bucks each. It was an ouch, but still about half the price that the Dodge dealership was going to charge us.
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