
By carliewired

82 F/ 28 C

Death Valley, as a 
National Park,, is really
quite something to see!


We set no speed records this morning but we had a leisurely breakfast before heading off to the Death Valley National Park, just 7 miles from our motel. 

We did not bask in sunshine today. We had high overcast cloud which really did not show off the colours in the park. 

On our way over into California we passed a mother donkey and her offspring near the highway. They paid us not attention whatsoever as they walked along. 

We stopped at the top of the hill to get our park pass from an automated stand. Then we drove to the Furnace Creek Visitors Center for some postcards and the map. The temperature was displayed near the parking lot. Inside, I made sure to compliment the staff on their 'resistance' to the crazy politics their nation was experiencing. Park staff has been instrumental in sharing the deeds that Americans are suffering. 

We drove to the end of the road to see the salt flats called Badwater. It is quite amazing to walk along on the salt that remains from evaporation of the precipitation in the park. 

We took the drive through the area known as the Artists' Palette. Unfortunately, today's lack of sunshine did not display the vibrant colours in the rock.

At a junction, I spied a coyote alongside the roadway. It seemed rather listless, not like those I've encountered before so I had some concerns for its health. It moved along rather slowly and went across the road and down the other side. 

Scotty's Castle has been closed since sometime in 2015. It was damaged in a flood and later a fire marred some building while repair was underway.

We continued on to the Ubehebe Crater. We looked over the edge while ravens soared overhead. Again, the lack of sunlight does not demonstrate its true colours. 

We zoomed back to Beatty, Nevada and our motel the same way we'd travelled in the morning. It was time for tea and I needed to put my feet up. 

Tomorrow we'll be back in the park to catch some more sights.

We did not see any other Canadians in the park today when we checked license plates. It was busy, but our people were not to be found. 

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