Toots in Solitude

By Toots

As there were no appointments on the agenda today I thought I would get off lightly with a restful, lazy day but Donald suddenly had a great need and plan, and as he hardly ever makes any decisions about what we're doing I felt I should listen and take it on board. Well, he says, we could go to the Grass market to the Fossil shop to look for a present for Bryony and then go to Armstrongs to look for something for Sarah's birthday. I actually loved this plan and so we hopped on a bus, found a fossil and made our way along to Armstrongs. I did have a sneaky feeling Donald had his own interests at heart, ie, another pair of jeans, good though. I found a pair of kinky sunglasses and Donald found a few pairs of jeans. So job done and then a stroll up Victoria Street. French Institute wasn't open for coffees, just high tea. 

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