Toots in Solitude

By Toots

Out first thing for a Chiropody appointment for Donald, important to keep his tootsies in good order.
Later a marathon drive (for me). Over to Polton (never been there before in my life) to the industrial estate to the BMW expert and wonder man Adam. No one, but no one, can diagnose and fix BMWs like him. Anyway, lukes leaving his car there for some minor work and only set back is it's so out of the way to get back from if you don't have a car. Hence, me going to meet him to drive him back to W Linton via quick stop off at Penicuik tesco. John was in same boat at garage so we also gave him a lift to Hill End. I made my homeward journey back and I made Donald a quick tea of frozen fish and chips at a much later evening meal time. 

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