On Some Days

By V1k1

Ain't It Enough . . . Old Crow Medicine Show

Late yesterday afternoon we met Chris at the airport.  He is a forester from Canada and in 2023 we stayed with him and Cindy and many huskies at their rural property an hour from Whitehorse, Yukon Territory.
Chris has been at a forestry conference in Rotorua and added a visit to us on at the end.  We took him out to French Pass because on the way he could see examples of forestry practice from establishment to harvesting on steep slopes.  At the end of the winding, dirt road is the beach looking at D'urville Island.  The forester had a swim and Chris and I sat and watched stingrays gliding to and fro along the tide line.  It was so relaxing.  I didn't think the photo would work so just clicked once.  I didn't want to break the mood. I sent Cindy a picture and she replied instantly.  That's amazing. 

. . .  Ain't it enough to live by the ways of the world
To be part of the picture, whatever its worth?
Throw your arms around each other 'n' love one another
For it's only one life that we got, and ain't it enough? . . . 

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