
By TonyG

Old Favourite

Pulsatillas grew really well in the Norwich garden, they were up there amongst the best things I grew.  They got blipped often!   As here.  And here. And here! ... I could go on, there are dozens of them!   They grow here in Wales but not with the same vigour or maybe I just need to sow more seed and plant more plants :-)   This bought plant is the first white flowered one that I have ever grown, I'll plant it out soon.

Another quiet day.   I finished fettling the pottery clock-house and spent a fair bit of time with Jamie on his return from Naidex in Birmingham.   Just as I was going to take Meg for a walk, John turned up having come to stay in the caravan at Rhydyronen for the weekend.   He joined us along the beach before we picked up pizzas to cook for tea together.   We'll meet up again while he's here.

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