
By Yvonnedailypic

10 k weekly challenge

A stressful morning which included a text with a hospital appointment for tomorrow - potentially meaning that Sicily is cancelled, an unexpected visit from the district nurse and a call from the hospital. When all sorted and misunderstandings resolved, I decided to get out for my weekly leisurely 10k run. No surprise that, as it was such a lovely day I went out to Northey lsland.  This time I went via Mundon Road, and after some time felt very tired. When checking my Strava, I realised that I had run over 13k. 

Afternoon at hairdresser was ruined. She likes to be paid in cash ... so, I usually pop into the neighbouring Post Office to draw the money. For some reason my card declined. So, I had to call the bank, whilst my hair was being cut (embarrassing). The bank said that it was a Post Office error .... to resolve this I then had to go to a cash machine - Tesco- to draw the money and return to pay for my hair. A palava and stress that I could have done without. 

I returned home to hear that G has another hospital appointment in the diary for April. 

 Finally some good news - Sicily is back on . Although I won't let myself believe it till we are on the flight. 

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