talloplanic views

By Arell

Phidra Phriday

A day off work to relax, put my feet up, spin some classical music on the hifi and drink a glassette or two of wine?

Not a chance!  First was a week's worth of washing up, then straight into the garage to prep Fidra for a test ride up and down the road to see if things were behaving.  Actually, I didn't.  I was straight back out again giving my outdoor workbenchtop a good oiling.  Then it was time to don my bone dome and gloves and fire up the old lady.  I didn't go far, and I'm not sure I even got out of 2nd gear, but it seemed indeed to behave, so, clutching eleven – eleven! – pieces of bodywork, I set to screwing everything back together.  Including faffing it took me about two hours, and I was exhausted and ready for a late lunch!

By late I mean 'somehow lasted until about 4pm', but it was still mild and sunny, so I cycled out to the shops the long way.  The peripatetic tree surgeons have left a terrible mess once again at Bush science park.  I had a chat with one of the people who work at the facility there, and they spoke at length about them all being half-terrorised by the travellers, their dogs and their ne'er-do-well offspring on their dirt bikes.  I gather that the Police had to intervene again.

Back home I did a bit of painting of the Africa Twin's engine bars and pannier rack.  The fancy Hammeritey super-tough paint I used last time was nothing of the sort, getting chipped by the simplest errant padlock, but it's all I have to hand.

Then finally it was time to make tea, flop and backblip yesterday.

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