
By Grammy

RIP Dave

By the time we’d finished breakfast, we had to get ready to leave for the funeral. Since our church building is being renovated, a neighboring parish offered to host the funeral Mass there. Our pastor did a great job eulogizing Dave. We are in a Holy Year focusing on HOPE. Fr. discussed how Dave lived his life: H - being Humble, O - being Obedient to our faith’s teaching, P- Praying fervently for others, and E - being devout in receiving the Eucharist. I’d say, that explanation fits his wife Diane as well. She’s been solidly beside him for many years and devoted herself to his needs during his years with leukemia. We’ve both been through some rough times over the years and they have been true friends, there when we needed them most. I wasn’t able to go to the graveside service; had my annual dermatologist appointment. Hubby filled in for me there and at the repast. My doc could not find any issues other than a spider bite on my upper arm. I knew something was bothering me but thought I had simply scratched myself. I had a fish sandwich for lunch and then shopped. My Easter shopping is almost complete. Rather than too much candy, the kids will get gift cards for some family time at a restaurant. Hubby took care of financial items at his computer until I got home. We should have a quiet evening. Wishing you a restful weekend. Stay safe. Thanks for your visit. Hoping I will find time to read all your journals. “When the world is so complicated, the simple gift of friendship is within all of our hands.” —Maria Shriver

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