Cold frame stock
One of the specimens - a saxifraga I believe - growing in the cold frame at the moment.
I had gone outside with camera and found it to be too windy to get any decent images, so snaffled this one inside and popped it in the mini studio. It’s happily back outside with its pals now.
I went out for a little drive after lunch, mostly to make sure I felt happy driving again after my eye op. It was fine. No problems.
I didn’t go far, just to the petrol station and filled up. I was going to the cemetery next door to get a blip but I could see from the roadside that it looked pretty uninteresting, so didn’t bother. I went round instead to the church in town, expecting to go inside and see what I could find. But I couldn’t get the door open, so that was a no-go too.
I came home and decided this mornings macro image would do just fine.
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