Me and my boy

Took Vinnie to the viaduct walk as we’ve decided to call it. It was lovely and quiet, so I let him off lead and he had a great time.
He is pretty good with recalls so I wasn’t worried, but as it happened we had the place to ourselves.

Couple of other bits and pieces today, Honey to the vets for her meet and greet. Now they are both registered I was able to get their three month flea treatments and worming tablets.

Boiler man came to do a safety recall job. It’s only three months old and as I registered all the white goods when we moved in, I was ‘in the system’ and had a letter saying it could be part of a batch that would overheat and cut-out. He fitted an additional stat on the heat exchanger. Whatever that means.

Then later on a lady from Guisborough called round with my parcel. Evri had managed to put the wrong labels on the boxes, she had mine, I had hers. Fortunately there was a telephone number on the dispatch note so we cleared it up ourselves without involving the two different online selling companies.

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