
By keepingtrack


Spent breakfast reviewing weather forecasts and making a plan. Rain for the next couple of days in the mountains at- so we headed out and up to Nelson.
Arrived in lovely sunshine, turquoise sea and a stop at the Boat ashes Cafe for coffee . It was so nice that stayed for lunch!
We booked it to an apartment for a couple of nights - a nice break from camping!
In the evening we went out for an explore for an hour and when we came back discovered the toilet was leaking and a minor flood developing!
The owners lived upstairs so were quick to attend and between us all we mopped it up, leaving a soggy carpet and a toilet that was functional. They were so pleased we helped out and we did explain that we live in a very old house where there are always ‘things’ to deal with.
They did ask if we wanted to find somewhere else to stay but we were happy where we were and it wasn’t a big deal.

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