
By Arachne


This morning I used all my energy and some, moving two of the three very heavy and unwieldy tubs containing my remaining grafted apple trees onto the path/patio so that I could sort out the soil levels in the garden. I had no energy left after the heaving to do anything other than buy a bricklayer's line to help me with the levels. Tomorrow, I hope.

Meanwhile, I am in a quandary. I urgently need to plant one of the three trees, but which? The one with the prettiest branches (although, since a tree grows from the top not the bottom, they will never get any further off the ground so may well need to be pruned in due course)? The one with the straightest trunk (which doesn't have a shoot continuing it upwards)? Or the ugliest, which is currently the tallest and most vigorous (though I did manage to spill a lot of its soil today so, even though I refilled the tub afterwards and watered it, it will already be traumatised)?

Neither Google nor AI can advise me.

My blip photo has nothing to do with any of this, taken while I walked very, very slowly to buy some food for Firstborn's arrival tomorrow.

It was an absolutely glorious day for the equinox. It is so lovely to be warm.

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