
By KatesGardenPDX

Tulips and Rain

I made a super gluten free batch of Morning Glory Muffins this morning. Gosh they were good, and I'm quite sure that even the most picky I-hate-gluten-free eater would find them tasty :-) I found an interesting GF baker who lives in Toronto and has a website with both free and paid recipes. Here's her website if you're interested (https://www.glutenfreebakingcourses.com/).

Anyway, that literally seemed to take all morning, although of course it didn't. Then I had to do a couple of errands. Tonight I'm being initiated into the Hillsboro Elks Lodge - I mentioned this a few days ago. I have a whole bunch of friends who are members, so decided to join in. It's quite an impressive organization, not just for social opportunities, but they contribute volunteer hours and financial resources to a lot of needy organizations an individuals in the area. Pretty cool place. So by tonight I'll be an Elk ;-) 

This is my newest batch of tulips outside in the cold, miserable rain.

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