Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

3770. Mountain Scenery

Had a very busy day today, met my friend for coffee this morning then went to my portrait class this afternoon, (see extra).
We also finished watching the Netflix series, Adolescence and it just about broke us both…what a story…so well written and acted and such a devastating set of events, any of which could happen to anyone with pre teen and teenage boys.

I finished a quick digital art sketch tonight, I’m trying to do one a day for 100 days so this is number 3.  It’s not based on anything I’ve seen, I just started to sketch and just went with the flow.

I have almost finished my portrait at my class and have one more session next week.  The artist leading the class is Sarah Halliday who lives here in Perth and generally paints animal portraits but she also does lots of other things too.  I am so pleased with how my portrait has turned out, it’s a sort of likeness of the chap in the photo but not perfect by any means.  I feel like I’ve learned so much from just two sessions.

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