Now, as I see it......

By JohnRH

A room with a view

Actually, this is the view from the lift.  We do have a good view from the room but the windows are dirty.

We've driven over to Milton Keynes to see friends this evening.  When MK was first envisaged in the late 60's one of the planning philosophies was that no building should be higher than the tallest tree.  That has clearly been forgotten about as our room is on the 10th floor of the hotel and the restaurant is on the 14th.  I don't think they are planning to plant any very giant redwoods.

We had time for a short wander round the shopping centre where I managed to get a much needed haircut.  I spotted the dinosaur which I've put in as an extra; it appeared to have laid two eggs which, judging by the look on its face, was a painful experience.

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