With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

It is indisputable

The sun rose on us and Loch Fyne and after a gallop in the rushes we set off with no plan other than continue up the West coast. As we pulled into Oban, there was the Mull ferry approaching at the same time. We only meant to ask, but somehow after a bit of sweettalking the Calmac boys (who can get an extra handful of sardines into any tin) and ignoring the ticket desk advice, we were off past Duart castle to where my heart fills instantly with joy. The light filled patches of heather and bog in the middle of the island and then I missed the most amazing shot. A sudden rainstorm blasted over our heads, followed by blinding sunshine and a rainbow the likes of which I have never seen before. Mostly just blue and green, it hung in the cloud just above the sea like someone had painted a horizontal stripe across the horizon. Incredible. The 'lady' who made us inexplicably move from where we were trying to pause for a few seconds, in some mistaken sense of righteousness will forever be that evil cow that forced us into a ditch, made us scratch the van and made me miss a life time shot. Anyway...

It is some time since I visited the island. In fact I think 27 years since a night in Tobermory, but more like nearly 35 years since I was at the best beach in the World. It hasn't changed in the slightest, still owned by the same family the Campbells, still bringing back a thousand memories and the rocks have a special smell. The boys did everything I did their age in the same way which was wonderful to watch. Pitching camp, we lit a fire from dried kelp strands, listened to the oyster catchers, watched the sanderlings swooping over the white sand and breathed it all in. Bliss. There were showers and sunshine and the weather swept it all along. As one man said to me, "If you don't like the weather in Argyll, wait a minute"

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