With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Son of Ulva

The rain lashed down on the boys in their tent and though we were at the most beautiful beach in the World, we decided the wind could have us trapped. We headed up the West coast of Mull through the most spectacular coastline with sunshine and showers all the way. Reading the map I found the name of the Mausoleum for Major General Lachlan MacQuarie but had no idea who he was, until M did a double take at the name and reeled off expertly his history. We only found the Father of Australia! There is a lovely mausoleum just waiting to be discovered by pilgrims. Now there was agood guy it seems.

We reached Calgary, AKHF's beloved beach, with blue skies, but then the wind swooped in and the rain came and we retreated to voyage further and deeper into memories. Past Dervaig village hall, where we once saw a screening of Robin Hood with Errol Flynn, past the entrance to Glengorm Castle and many more memories of stags, carvings in the rocks, Golden Eagles, a forest fire, no electricity in the cottage, AKHF's cake, lemonzest's breakfast dampers, the Castle and Otto with his kitchen garden. It goes on and on, this memory thing, thank God. Finally, driving through another more conventional rainbow, we reached Tobermory. We made out own new memories by being able to camp in the carpark with the best view of the colourful houses and then eat lobster for dinner. Ben had haggis, neeps and tatties. Good lad. Could make a Governor some day.

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