Just beautiful celandines
A packed day getting the last things ready for travelling to California tomorrow. I knew what I needed to do but on top of all that there was a flurry of actions that kept on popping up during the morning and early afternoon.
Stuff to do with the rental in Lorton and allotment which I wasn’t expecting as well as a bill from the electrician to pay… just when I thought there was nothing else, ping, another task popped up… grrr.
Already planned for this morning was an inspection of Doreen’s house now that the tenants have moved out. The house looked better than I expected after 3 years and three young children. We’re awaiting the report from the agent as to their assessment of what is fair wear and tear and what is not.
A quick trot to the library after lunch to return books and find something to read while I’m away. Then hot footed it to Holy Cross church to see Doreen’s inscription in the book of remembrance. It’s a fitting epitaph. The celandines were spotted in a quiet moment on the way home.
So fine did it cut everything that the train to London was arriving as we parked the car. Yikes. Quick exit and hurried goodbyes and I was on my way.
Now at a hotel at T4. Will transfer to T5 in the morning. All being well we take off at 12.50. It’s a free night and breakfast using points earned with this hotel group.
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