Out and About

By Puffin

Mission Accomplished

I often Blip my walks round Bell Hill but today we walked to the top.  We look out at the hill from our house and I’ve been planning how to get to the top since we moved in.  Years ago I ventured through a field to the south only to be faced with a notice: - Private No Footpath.  A neighbour told us how when he was a boy, they used to go up there every New Years Eve to let fireworks off but the current farmer does not like people going up there.  Obviously not worth asking the farmer for permission then.  I checked the logs on Hillbagging.co.uk where people record their hill ascents and could see that people do regularly make surreptitious dashes to the top.  Mr P and I decided to go for it.  We climbed over a wall and approached through trees and scrub  to the left of the summit that you can see on the extra. We reckoned this would give us cover if the farmer was out and about,   Climbed over a gate and dashed to the top. Waved to our neighbours, took this photo looking north west towards the Howgills and dashed out again. It's not a very exciting hill, its not even a Tump at 139m high but I look at it every day and it's no longer beckoning. Mission Accomplished. 

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