Foire Des Artisans

This day is planned as the last day in Colmars les Alpes. So there's a lot of sorting, cleaning and (re)packing after a fortnights camp. In the afternoon we visit the market of craftsman, wich is my best translation for 'foire des artisans', looking at the character of this happening. I made a picture of the oldest artisan mr. Lys from atelier Lys. He's leaving his home after his siesta in the early afternoon. I gave this picture a bit vintage look while I think it suits the scene ... ;)

Weather report: there were a lot of clouds today. There was sun in the morning and in the early afternoon. But during the day the color of the clouds changed from white to grey and covered the until now mostly bright blue sky. The temperature lowered to 21°C. Back on the camping the landlord came to every tent to inform about weather code red that was given by the meteo station in the region. A heavy thunderstorm would pass the valley and he was worried about everyone's place when the heavy rains would fall ...

In the evening we see lots of flashes and hear the thunder at a distance echoing through the valleys. We mounted extra lines for wind protection and the waiting for what will happen tonight begins ...

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