
By tridral

Mawrth a Fenws mewn aliniad

Mawrth a Fenws mewn aliniad ~ Mars and Venus in alignment

“A museum that really wants to promote modern art might give the artist a guaranty, on certain conditions, so that he can get on with his life and his creations. Or do you believe that the museum is more interested in the artist's death, in order to see the price of his paintings go up?”
― Kurt Schwitters, (p. 45 : in a letter (11 November 1940) to Käthe Steinitz, sent from the internment camp on Isle of Man, England.)

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Oherwydd bod ffrind aros gyda ni, aethon ni allan heddiw i'r Amgueddfa yng nghanol y dre. Dydyn ni rili angen esgus i fynd yna, gallwn i fynd unrhyw amser ond dydyn ni ddim... Felly mae'n helpu pan mae ymwelwyr gyda ni ac rydyn ni'n gallu mynd i leoedd fel hyn.

Roedden ni yna dim ond awr ond roedd hi'n ddigon. Aethon ni i oriel gelf lle maen nhw'n cael rhai o gelf enwog (ac nid-mor enwog). Cerddon ni o gwmpas yr orielau am awr ac yn edmygu’r gwaith celf. Hoffen ni ymweld eto, heb esgus gwestai, ac yn eistedd mewn un oriel am awr.

Dyma 'Mawrth, Fenws a Ciwpid' gan Palma Vecchio (ond gallwn i wedi dewis llawer mwy).

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Because a friend was staying with us, we went out today to the Museum in the center of town. We don't really need an excuse to go there, I could go any time but we don't... So it helps when we have visitors with us and we can go to places like this.

We were there only an hour but it was enough. We went to an art gallery where they have some famous (and not-so-famous) art. We walked around the galleries for an hour and admired the artwork. We would like to visit again, without the excuse of a guest, and sit in one gallery for an hour.

This is 'Mars, Venus and Cupid' by Palma Vecchio (but I could have chosen many more).

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg) : 'Mawrth, Fenws a Ciwpid' gan Palma Vecchio, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol, Caerdydd, Cymru

Description (English)  : 'Mars, Venus and Cupid' by Palma Vecchio, National Museum, Cardiff, Wales

འགྲེལ་བཤད།(བོད་ཡིག) : རྒྱུ་སྐར། (rGyu sKar) planet 
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