simple moments

By simplemoments

woodpecker watercolor…

…rendering of an

adult coloring


i’ve had ample time - of late to pull out - my box of adult coloring projects - sort through those which intrigue me - and begin completing ones that - had been tossed aside - for whatever reason - this particular one - i understand completely - why i set it aside - because of the utter - challenge it presented to me - when i first started it - many months ago - i got frustrated with the intricacies - of it so just stopped

well times changes - we all change - and i decided to begin - tackling it again - it’s taken a bit - but i used some aides - i don’t think it’s - a bad thing to admit that - using guides to help with - coloring can be very useful - and make the process much - more pleasant overall - so i did and when done - i also faffed it - a little as well as - putting a frame around it - you know just to make it…


happy day…..

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