…of things
to come
from a flower bud
potential is always - wrapped up in - small packages and with - springtime especially you - see it when buds - begin to appear - it’s a promise of hope - new beginnings and all it - represents for the flower - for life, for the cycle - of nature itself - for all of creation - it fills me with a burst of energy - just a little flower bud
feeling blue or a bit discouraged - out of sorts - just not right - take a looksee at - this coming of age blossom - it’s a rose lily - getting ready to burst - into full bloom - just imagine what it offers - then imagine that’s you - about to burst - ready to come into your own - it doesn’t have to be - anything big maybe just - switching your shoes - changing your toothbrush - they’re all promises of - new beginnings that’ll lead to…
happy day…..
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