Battle of the bathtub
We had a lazy start today, which was very much needed all round, I think.
It did give me a chance to get the day started with a fried egg and bacon butties for us all though, which was most welcome.
With m’boy off out with a pal and The Youngest ensconced in some activity or other, I set to work on the removal of cast iron bathtub from my small backyard. It has been taking up too much room for too long and I now find myself in need of a shed, so it had to go.
It is unbelievably heavy, but once it had been eventually emptied of the soil and acers it was housing, a judicious application of brute force combined with creative expletives meant that I was soon able to manhandle it out of the yarden.
It is something that I had been wanting to do for ages, so I can’t lie that it felt good to see it gone!
Quick bit of lunch and a drop-off (my daughter) and pick up (my sister) later and I was off down to rehearsal for the first proper read through of The Scottish Play. It was good fun and it has been well cast, we just need to fill a couple of other spots and we’ll be good to go!
Sausage casserole and mash for tea to finish the weekend.
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