Does it fit?
We had Simone with us for most of the morning today: part of my "phased return" to granny duties, as I'm thinking of it. Richard was not happy about this, he would have preferred another week of total rest for me. But Jack and Marianna had no other childcare options today. So we compromised, covering the morning while Marianna took time off to cover the afternoon. Richard picked Simone up and took her home again; I had the easy part in between.
Knowing that I could retire to bed for an afternoon nap, I was happy to potter about with Simone during the morning. She'd been awake since 5 a.m., so she wasn't quite the bundle of energy that she is after a longer night's sleep. She is very preoccupied with moving objects into and out of containers at the moment, and finding out what can or can't fit in where. So we did that, we read some stories, and she rediscovered the little wooden tricycle that we keep in the house. That made for a very contented couple of hours, with a snack break in the middle.
As ever, it was hard to capture any of this with the camera, given that she would always prefer to reach for it rather than pausing in front of it. So this is a bit of a grab shot.
A small return to the 'normal' routine has been therapeutic.
Today's various news reports are all gut-wrenchingly awful, whether from Gaza, from the US or from/about Ukraine.
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