Piling up
So - Tsundoku
I came across this Japanese word a while ago, then was reminded of it when ChrisF was introduced to it as he bought a book in Haworth a week or so ago. I thought about it a bit and then I found Lucy Mangan used the word in the book I bought in Keswick last week.
If you look it up you often get the explanation - ‘the habit of buying books and collecting books but never getting round to reading them’. I do not agree with this. The etymology of the word: Tsun - pile up; and doku - reading. suggests that it is much more the piling up of books that you have bought, do intend reading, but have not got around to doing so yet. A subtle, but important, difference.
So, here is one of my current piles, although this is not actually accurate as I realise I have read three of these. Also I do not pile them up in this disorganised fashion - books may be in piles on the floor but there is some order to them.
Lucy Mangan uses the word to describe the act of buying books at a rate that far outstrips the speed at which you can read them. That’s me!! I only ever buy books that I intend reading, but am always optimist about how many I can actually read. However, this does not put me off. I will continue to buy books because - I love buying books, I love owning them, I love reading them, I love having them around, whether on shelves . . . or in piles on the floor!
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