Eye level
Someone installed this automatic air freshener in the office bathroom. It’s directly at my eye level as I stand at the sink. Just when you think you have a few minutes respite from 70 simultaneous Teams messages, you now have to be on your guard against temporary blindness.
I sat on an interview panel for a role elsewhere in the region but got the time wrong (luckily showing up early rather than late) and then couldn’t focus well on anything until the correctly allotted time. I like being involved in recruitment, it always feels like an honour to be making decisions about who is brought into the organisation. I always take those tasks seriously, and I usually don’t get the time wrong.
I wish we had some serious characters milling around the highest seat of government in the US. Musk is even more frightening than Trump. It’s a wannabe corrupt dictatorship which starts to censor and dismantle everything whilst pretending that it’s not a very blatant strategy to shift wealth into private control.
The world is a house of cards.
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