A glorious day .. sunshine and fast moving high clouds.. no rain!
We started off by getting the key to the tyre garage.. I am glad to say no damage to the rims so just a tyre replacement.. very frustrating but there we go.. I will be more alert. On the way home I went back to get a photo in order to report it (extra) you will be able to see the Bic Biro standing on the left side for scale.. this pothole is over 5 inches deep with a very sharp edge.
The rest of the day has been joining in with a bonfire.. taking advantage of the fact the three day bonfire is still burning.. ours smelt nicer and was mostly made up of dry material so burnt more cleanly without the smoke and ash disturbance. Then.. three marathon rugby matches.. they were all brilliant with some good results.. such a shame Scotland didn't get the score that the effort they put in deserved.
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