A smoke filled day here.. the wind changed to blow all the smoke over our house and garden and then on to the rest of the village. I am very thankful that he removed most if not all the yew hedging from the heap.. and that hopefully the last of the bonfire will be gone by the morning.. although with what he has burnt the ash will remain hot for a good while. There were ash (bonfire fairies) floating and landing everywhere.. my car is covered!
I went for coffee with a neighbour.. good to have a catch up and a bit of a laugh over coffee and hot x buns (early for me I usually wait until Easter to have one but nom nom!) then home to do some more painting and keep out of the smoke as much as possible.
I suddenly remembered around 5.30 that I needed to pop along to the farm to pick up milk and eggs for the weekend so set off to do that. The sunset was absolutely stunning and I was driving straight towards it. Glorious... I got the eggs and milk and headed home knowing I would have about 10 minutes to get changed before going out to supper to celebrate my sister in laws 44th wedding anniversary. Well, that was the plan.. about half a mile from home a new house has been being built and I spotted lights on as I was driving by.. my eye was momentarily taken to looking to see a glimpse inside and BANG.. I hit The most enormous pothole!!! Irritatingly I know to avoid it.. just a split second at dusk and yep.. a flat tyre!! My husband was kind and brought the tyre pump along but was unable to get any air to stay in so we called the AA.. no spare tyre as the result of owning a hybrid.. the battery takes up all that space. Ugh..
We had to wait about half an hour which was quick and he took off the tyre put the back one on the front and replaced the back one with his thin emergency tyre and we drove it to the tyre shop nearby. Left the car there and will have to be up early to take the key there in the morning. Do hope they can fix it for me. Thankfully he doesn't think the rim is damaged..
Sadly we missed our evening out altogether and had to go home and cook.. boo! A quiet night in..
these viola are enjoying the company of the tulips now they have erupted from the pot..
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