On This Day

By Tweedy


These might be narcissus cheerfulness or they might be bridal crown. Or they might be something else entirely. I always mean to take note of what I plant where but hey ho! I've photographed them against a window in the bright spring sunshine. 

Another gorgeous day which seems to have run away with me. Chatted to friends online first thing then took Flora for a long walk. Once home we sat in the front garden for coffee. I heard, then saw, a greenfinch. One of my favourites but the light was hopeless for photographing it. I did try but it really didn't work. 

Several hours later I've repotted nearly all the houseplants. There are a lot. I've washed all the cache pots and rationalised some of the sickly looking specimens. I've still got some to go but I've run out of steam. 

I wouldn't be surprised if there are BBQs fired up this evening. It's so warm in the sunshine. Mind you it was frosty this morning so eating all fresco will have to be quick I think. I'll be staying in the house I'm sure!  

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