Birthday Bouquet
Everybody came to coffee this morning except Dan who stayed home with his mother who is visiting and NOT an early riser. Gail gave me a hand embroidered tea towel which I will hang on the stove handle with instructions not to touch it.!
the green flower arrangement arrangement arrived today from Tim and family. It’s my birthday and, lucky me, the washing machine won’t drain and we’ve been dealing with wet clothes and wet dogs because it has been pouring on and off all day.
Lucky me, I got four new tires on my car yesterday and it looks like I’ll be getting a new washer and dryer soon. What more could a girl ask for?
I’ve been fielding phone calls from all my family who are scattered about the country (and Mexico) this year. Last year I was just two weeks post knee replacement on my birthday and everybody showed up and made a wonderful dinner while I sat on the couch and held court. This year I was perfectly happy to work on my new project, which I can’t mention much here since a Blipper is involved.
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