
Our neighbors, back from their month in South Africa for her son's wedding brought us these cute little meerkats . She was surprised that I knew what a meercat was but I said the Oakland zoo had a wonderful exhibit but I was also reminded of the strange book called Life of Pi by Yann Martel. I never really knew quite what it was about, but since today is Pi Day (and also my birthday) I thought the meerkats would be appropriate in an oblique sort of way....

We were up early to pick up Matt at the airport and went to the Trail House for coffee and a little breakfast on the way home.Spike enjoyed the ride tto the airport and back, but only lasted about five minutes in Trail House before another dog came in and the relative peace was disrupted.

Back at home peace and quiet reigned until we had to leave for physical therapy.  John dropped me off and took Spike for a nice walk at Spring Lake while I was being tortured. And it was torture today. I'm getting close to full flexion, but since I couldn't extend my knee fully before the surgery, I still have a way to go to get the last few degrees of extension now. It's pretty much up to me when I start driving again, but the rule of thumb is to imagine a child running in front of the car and decide if there is sufficient reaction time, flexibility and strength to slam on the brakes. I think I'm getting close....

But first I have to take ..a little nap....

I'm still working on an informal study of the effect of the Covid lockdown and on us both as individuals and as a society as a whole. I'm convinced that it has had a bigger effect than we might even realize. If anybody has any thoughts on this subject I would be interested in hearing them.

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