Mr. W's Dream Excursion

Today finds us in Walvis Bay, Namibia, and Mr. W was all agog to go on a 4 X 4 Excursion into the dunes outside the town.

So, off we went.  We were the last couple to join a vehicle which already had a couple installed in the back seat ... which meant that Mr. W got to sit next to the driver (he -- Mr. W, that is -- was thrilled!), and I got to sit squashed into about 3 cubic inches of space in the back seat next to a horribly snooty man who felt he was entitled to one third of my space.  (See extra for my "fabulous view" of the scenery!)

Anyway, grousing aside, we did experience some amazing sights -- crashing surf, huge sand dunes, and acres of ... not much else!  Our vehicles climbed and descended some astonishingly steep, sandy slopes as you can see!

Mr. W had a blast, and that's what counts!

Extra extra:  Somehow, I managed to snag this photo of a jackal looking for birds in the water, despite my crowded back seat view!

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