
By KCNQ2Haiku


It beeps, it waits, it
chirps and I’m finding it has
great comic timing!

Bloody smoke alarm, it malfunctioned a couple of days ago and fresh batteries (yes, plural) and resetting have not appeased the smoke detector gods. It’s merry chirp is punctuating my sentences and I found myself chatting to it today as I came in the house, ‘hello, I’m back, how have you been??’ It’s clearly getting in our (my) heads. Today we tried spraying it with compressed air incase there was any dust doing something dusty but that was also a bust. Older teen is threatening to jump out of the window, I’m fairly sure he’s joking but I did have to explain to Ben that it was a joke :-/ Family fun times.
In other news I’m going away for a night tomorrow, I’m going to see my oldest friend for food, drink and bookshop pottering, chats and fun, so tonight I’m prepping for leaving the boys to it! Happy Friday all :-)

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