More magnolia

No fear, it won't last..
whilst it does, magnolia
is all you're getting!!

It's too pretty not to photograph!  This was just with my phone but it gives me so much joy just outside our kitchen door!  I feel very lucky :-) I must have said before, but it was my 40th Birthday present from the boys (ably assisted by Mr KCNQ2Haiku) and I just love it.
Busy day.  Parenting course followed by dog walk, post office, shops, emails and calls.  I made sausage sandwiches for Mr KCNQ2Haiku and older teen who were off out for the theatre and fish pie for Ben but I felt smug and clever because I made extra white sauce and assembled the tuna pasta bake for tomorrow, so I won't have to cook :-D Isn't being a grown up exciting?!?
I've now hoovered and mopped, as Leo decided to jump in the mud and then patter around the kitchen, it's nice to see it all clean (again with exciting adulting).
Ben wants to play before bath so that's all folks.

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