I Witness

By KangaZu

Graver Arboretum ...

... First wood frogs!

We had an appointment this morning and afterward we drove to Graver Arboretum for a picnic lunch and a lovely walk through the woods.

We weren't really expecting to see any wood frogs just yet ... even though we wanted to.  So we were stoked when we could hear them before we saw them.  YAY!

The vernal pool was a little bit off the trail so we had to trudge through some underbrush and fallen trees to get to it.  Once we got to the vernal pool we sat on some fallen logs around the pool and took lots of pictures.  This is just one photo of many.

After sitting here for a while we proceeded with our walk ... which was lovely.  On the way home we made a few stops but were home in plenty of time for me to sit in the greenhouse for little while.  

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