Wild Wednesday ...

... singing Wren.

Today was absolutely gorgeous ... and tomorrow looks to be even nicer!

I spent lots of time outside today photographing all the wildlife.  My collage shows only a few of the wild things that came within camera range.

The singing Carolina wren is just one of several pair we have.  And they are all naughty!  One pair has decided to make a nest in the insulation in the garage ... again!  And another pair is making a nest inside a window at the back of the house that is partially covered by some wood.  They made a hole in the screen in order to get down into the window!  Sigh ...

I noticed whilst photographing the cottontail rabbit that she has an injury to her back left leg.  Probably from trying to get away from a predator.  She seems okay for now but I worry that she might not be able to avoid the next predator that goes after her.  

Since we changed our clocks to Daylight Saving Time over the weekend it's lighter later into the evening.  This allowed us to get out for a walk after supper tonight.  Louise Moore County Park was our destination of choice.  It was lovely. 

Backblipped: March 15 ... the Ides of March. 

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