A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Surf's Up

Fantastic morning at the beach. The wind was up and the waves were in. The kids went about as wild as the waves. Took the opportunity to get them new surfboards we'd been eyeing up last week ( sure they have a better name but they are thin and wooden and seem mainly to be used for surfing in a skateboard style way along the edge of the sea). Today the kids used them more as conventional body boards, though J did have a few preliminary attempts at the other. Quick bite to eat at the beach to maximise on surf time before eventfully persuading the boy out of the water with ice-cream and heading back for some chill-out time in chilled rooms to escape the heat. Not sure there would have been much surfing left anyway, by the time we left red flags were appearing.

The wind provided a welcome breeze along the terrace and I got most of the work I need to complete this week done. Same again tomorrow and I should be straight.

By early evening the wind has died down so time for a quick pool dip before dinner and more Blackadder. Having watched most of them season 2 seems to appeal most to both of them - J seems to be torn between wanting to be Blackadder and Baldrick. Anna has no such dilemmas, "Who's Queen?"

There seems to be no such thing as an early night for the kids anymore so now I have them safely tucked up I shall head to bed with my book and see how long I last before falling asleep. I don't think I shall be far behind.

Lesley x

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