Wendy's World

By Wendles56

Clyde Falls

Apart from a freezing cold train from Bingley to Lancaster and a delayed Lancaster to Motherwell train, I’ve had an uneventful journey north to J and P’s.  I chatted all the way to Motherwell with a gentleman with whom I discovered much in common. He had been the Chair of Governors at a school in Queensbury when Tony was teaching there. He had lived ‘above the railway line’ on the Thorp Edge Estate as a child at the same time as I lived ‘below the railway line’. Our education followed similar pathways and our interests were similar too. He was having a day out in Glasgow walking the streets.  Two hours flew by.

J collected me from the station and we had lunch at the Silver Birch Garden Centre before taking a walk along the Clyde from New Lanark.  There was very little water in the river and falls compared to our last visit which could be down to the mild winter or the hydro electric plant.

I’m now relaxing at J and P’s whilst J makes dinner. I won’t be commenting the next few days, sorry.

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