Browne Clayton monument
I went in to Wexford to meet the sewing group - just three of us, but we spent a very pleasant 2 hours, sewing together, and then having coffee and a sandwich. There's always something useful - often nothing to do with the sewing, just local info. Today I learnt that it's possible to park the car in Gorey for just €9 a week and catch a bus to Dublin Airport - that's quite a lot less (as in less than a tenth) of the cost of parking actually at the airport!
After coffee, I walked through Wexford to the bank, deposited money in the flute group account, and then back to my car.
A small supermarket shop today. On the way home I decided to investigate the Browne Clayton Monument. We've driven past this innumerable times on the N25. Today I followed a sign to turn off down a single track road to a little car park, and walked up to it. You can't enter and climb up those steps, which is a shame as apparently there's a fantastic view from the top. Even from the bottom there were some great views - see extra of the view across to Carrickbyrne Hill, site of several 1798 monuments. We must have a walk or two there this coming summer.
An interesting fact about General Abercromby (to whom the monument was dedicated) is that he was in charge of the Loyalist forces in Ireland at the start of the 1798 rebellion. He was replaced by a more aggressive commander because apparently he favoured a more conciliatory approach.
Also in extras, a view of the monument from the approach road.
W spent the day preparing to plant, but finding it a bit too cold to work outside for long, so didn't actually do any planting - that's tomorrow's job.
In the evening, I went to band practice.
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