Seeds, seeds, seeds
W laid out our seed packets on the dining room table a few days ago, and realised we'd forgotten to buy any broad bean seeds. So this morning he went back to the garden centre, whilst I had a session on the exercise bike, and came back with yet more seeds. And a couple more trees.
He then spent the afternoon further tidying the shed, so now he has a potting bench. And the polytunnel has places for seed trays. And the raised beds are all prepared. So now all that remains is to actually plant some seeds.
I (in my role as treasurer) spent some time counting up the cash from subs for our flute group, and making certain I knew, and had recorded, exactly who had paid so far. I collected a bit more in the evening, when we had an excellent rehearsal, despite the fact that several members were unable to attend due to other commitments. A trip to the bank is needed.
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