
By dunkyc

No More

God, I love this kid.

With m’boy away on a two night school residential trip to Conwy, it meant that it was just the Youngest and I for the next two nights.

Her demands were simple: pizza and a viewing of Tick Tick…Boom! 

I was more than happy to acquiesce to these requests and in between some screen time (and whilst I was transitioning from work dunkyc to home dunkyc - not as easy as you might think), she was sent away to find something non-screen based to do.

It was a pleasure to see her getting stuck into some Warhammer figures - kindly donated to her by her uncle - and giving some real attention to detail.

Before long pizzas were ready and we dove into the film and had cuddles, a singalong and one of us may have had some tears along the way……I forget which one of us it was. There was also some discussion about HIV, seeing underwater, the dangers of an aortic dissection and how talented Jonathan Larson was and what he might have done next.

She’s 10.

This was one of her favourite songs from the film/show.

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