These are a few of the stones I've picked up here and there simply because they are interesting. There must be some minerals to be found there somewhere. I've noticed in the close up photo that even untouched on a bookshelf in my office they still haven't entirely escaped the dog hair!
The time change, which happened on Sunday caught up with me today. My watch inconveniently stopped last week so I've been referring to the time displayed on my Kindle which I read at night. I forget from one year to the next which things need to be changed, which things change automatically and which things don't matter (like the garage door opener...) I had a hard time getting up this morning but finally stumbled into the kitchen to make myself a coffee and give Blake his meds. I was just settling in to drink my coffee and look at the paper when I looked at the clock and realized I was an hour off and had 15 minutes to get myself together for our Zoom Pilates class.
I've been out of phase all day...feeling a bit cranky and creaky.
We walked the dogs down to the bridge which is about as far as Blake wants to go and I was absolutely horrified at the size of the log jam which is developing. I didn't have my camera with me but I'll get a picture of it next time we go there. The bridge itself is in bad shape and apparently the people who live up the mountain can't agree on anything, much less how to pay for repairs. I don't think the logjam will cause the water to rise high enough to swamp the bridge, but I never would have believed that the log jam would get that big either. It is already changing the course of the creek, a creek which flows all the way through town. Even if somebody claims responsibility for fixing it, it will be a huge job....
The sunny morning has turned cloudy now and an atmospheric river is predicted to make landfall sometime tomorrow. I don't know when normal rainfall becomes an atmospheric river, but it's fairly certain that it is going to be cold and will feel even colder thanks to a chilly wind.
At least I think I will be able to get up at the normal hour since I have changed the time on my Kindle, though haven't gotten around to taking my watch for a new battery.
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