Banksy Side

I was pedalling between offices as usual, choosing a pier to catch a boat from as is my new habit, when I was nearing Bankside and decided that since I *ought* to be on holiday I would make sure to stop for lunch. I headed into Borough Market which is full of lovely vibrant food and drink, had a stilton burger from Posh Sausages and a pint of summer ale from the pub next door, and felt very good indeed.

Then I cycled on and met Tom Williams who was taking pictures of this astonishing creation around the area. I parked my bike, had a chat and took a photo of my own with the little Brompton alongside. Our saddles match perfectly! But otherwise these are very different bikes.

Tom's a Bath Uni student and has made surf boards in the past, so this bamboo and carbon laminate construction is an extension of that and he hopes it'll be commercially viable.

(And there's some great Banksy versus Blek Le Rat graffiti on the wall there. Bankside, Banksy... Banksyside, see?)

I think wooden bikes are about to take off - here's the Woolelo Leaf Speed which is just lovely. Tom's is quite different and has its own charm of course, so I hope they all succeed - and I hope I own one or other (or both!) one day...

Home tonight on the train with the sun streaming through the window and the wine flowing. It's not a bad life :)

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