Lungwort is here!
One of my favourites - I do like plants that flower pink and blue at the same time. Comfrey is another one.
Early afternoon I was at the dentist. I had veneers put on my front teeth, but not cosmetic white coverings. These are on the back, and done in the same spirit that might lead you to cover a crumbling old wall with a layer of concrete:-) My dentist told me the practice is moving - against her will. They work for a gigantic company, not little independent practices like it used to be. She told me her new room has no windows - only artificial lighting. And she is in it from 9 to 6. I think that’s inhumane. And I think she will leave, to find a better place.
In the evening I went to see a fun film called ’One of them days’ About two young black women who share a flat and have a lot of problems, mainly to do with money. It was heartwarming and funny and certainly passed the Bechdel test
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