Tea in the Garden
Well...in the back yard...in my parka...watching the snow melt. That sun felt ever so good ....
I was celebrating good news from my doctor's appointment this morning..."lungs are clear, just keep on puffing those puffers....and yes...your month's BP readings indicate that we can lower the dose of your meds once again"....Yay! Whoopee..and I was off like a shot to the drugstore to get my new lower-dose pills!
My day was obviously progressing really well, but my neighbour's was not. I have spoken before about D whose husband has Alzheimer's and was recently hospitalized with pneumonia. She has been his 24/7 caregiver for years but now the task is physically beyond her. She had hoped that this hospital stay would lead to moving him into an appropriate facility which he has needed for quite some time. He is on a waiting list but around here, the waiting time is years! The only hope would be that he could jump the line. Alas, that did not happen and she got the call today that he was being discharged from hospital back into her care again!
Needless to say she is distraught. I have been her intermediary with the Home Care people today as her hands are full at the moment...A plan has been set up by them for PSWs for one hour three times a day as a trial..It won't be enough...but it's all they can do right now. This whole situation is so sad...for him, for her...and as much as we neighbours try to help, it isn't enough.
So, today was another day of ups and downs...
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